Sunday, March 15, 2009

New St. Theresa's Scout Troop needs assistance!

Announcement from Doug Rose, Armadillo District Chairperson

Hello All – We have just started a new Troop with five crossover Scouts at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, led by Scoutmaster Ron Miller. I’d appreciate your help in communicating this to the families in your Troops for those who may attend St. Theresa’s. St. Theresa’s has been very gracious in opening their doors to the Boy Scout program.

We are not asking for any of your Scouts to join the Troop. However, as part of our initial service to the church we have some opportunities where older Scouts you have who may be Parishioners might be able to come and help.

Our first opportunity is a Fish Fry next Friday, March 20. It starts at 5:45 and they expect 175 people. Scout Class A or B uniforms would be nice.

Scout families could come and help set up, serve, clean up or sell baked goods – any help is appreciated.

Families could bring baked goods to sell – the church has offered us this opportunity to raise money for the Troop.

Fish fry’s are a new venue and they have only held one so far. They could use some additional adults with deep fry experience. They have the equipment and fish. If someone would like to help please contact me so I can get the info to the church. cell 657-3392

Thank you for sharing this with your families who may wish to help show some Scout spirit at St. Theresa’s.

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